Good foundation

For a few years after I began in ministry, I struggled with doubt about my ability as a preacher.  Anneke and I went to Australia for a holiday and there God spoke to me from this verse in Philippians. “With all boldness I will be magnified in my body”.   I realized the opposite is true; that without boldness Christ will not be magnified in my body.  Too many time our effectiveness sabotaged buy wrong thinking about ourselves.  Before God begins to build in to our life He requires that we have a good foundation in our life. We can conform to the expected behavior on the outside, but have major struggles on the inside of us and people may never be aware of it.  The anointing comes to preach to the poor and to heal the broken hearted and till our hearts are healed we cannot be whole hearted. While people are still captive they are not free to be all that God want them to be and blinded by lies or the demonic they won’t be aware of who God has made them.  Many times that which God is able to do now, is limited by the degree we have opened our heart to His touch.  The past naturally affects our future. The book of Hebrews 6, states that we can only go on to maturity once the foundation has been laid.  That foundation is clearly laid out as repentance from dead works and faith towards God, then baptisms in water and in the Holy Spirit.

Friend, all of these are foundational to our growth. If you have not been baptized in the Holy Spirit with speaking in tongues you don’t yet have the supernatural equipment you need to face our supernatural enemies.