The Way of the Lord

John the Baptist cried out to the passing crowds and many were baptized in readiness to receive the Messiah. Mark1. 2. His message was repentance, because only repentance prepares the way for the Lord’s coming into our lives.  Only repentance prepares us for his rule and kingdom. Matthew 4.17.  Obstacles of sin, rebellion, uncleanness, pride, and dead tradition are removed and we make ready a way for the Spirit’s outpouring. The kingdom and repentance are inextricably tied together.  God desires His will to be done in and through people. In fact the kingdom means: God’s rule, where Gods will in done.  Whenever a person knows the thoughts of the King and does them the kingdom is expressed. The kingdom is righteousness, its peace, its joy, is power its love, its victory over enemies, its provision for our needs, its healing for our troubled soul. Its restoration, is the heartbeat of God manifested in your life; that is why the kingdom is good news; the gospel of the kingdom. The good news is that God has purposed to bring His kingdom to earth. He said “For as truly as I live, all the earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord.” Our challenge is to know His thoughts and then to obey them. God said in the Old Testament “My thoughts are not your thoughts and my ways are not your ways” but now the Holy Spirit is come to teach us His thoughts.

Friend, living in a state of repentance, soft toward Gods voice is the first step to begin to tune to His thoughts.