Eating Out

A while ago in Auckland a restaurant opened where people could eat their food in a pitch-black room. I think it would probably be a bad experience, but it is a good analogy.  A couple of years ago, the people of New Zealand influenced by promises of life saving “food”, went to a “dark restaurant” somewhere near them, to receive something which no other generation in world history had ever had. As we settled in for the meal the strains of the song “Safe in your arms” played softy. We sat in cubicles so we couldn't tell what effect the “food” was having on anybody else. If someone did get ill, it could be blamed on global warming or stress, and covered over by the restaurant media team.  Eighteen months have now passed, and it seems that there has been little review of the restaurants advertising: Safe, effective, necessary, and free.   Here’s my reflections.

Was it safe?  To be honest, I have heard of numbers who were injured by the meal and when I asked others, they knew of other people who were harmed too. True stories from just my small circle of acquaintances: My neighbour had his first course and had to visit his GP because of heart pain, and thought he was going to die.  The pop song “Safe in your arms” was now a worm in his head, so he allowed himself to go for the second course, followed by another trip the doctor who admitted it was Myocarditis.  Another friend thought the dark restaurant was a good thing and even sung the song. He had a severe heart attack after each course.  He doesn't believe the song anymore and distrusts medical and political songwriters. My wife's hairdresser’s mother-in-law quickly developed blood clots throughout her body and died with three days. One man known to me, now has epilepsy which he only got after eating.  A relative of mine knows two women, whose spouses ate and had heart attacks. Another relative’s friend ate, and his leg swelled up and now has cellulitis. A lady in another church partook of the "safe delight" and was hospitalized with paralysis and a family member has a friend’s whose daughter went blind for few days straight after. There were others I could report. Thankfully most people got through without bad side effects, but it does not appear to be safe for all. One injured friend was more adamant. “No, the Government and the doctors, have lied to us all”

Was it effective?  Having the benefit of hindsight, it is safe to say that it was not effective either. It hasn’t stopped Kiwis from getting C19 in their hundreds of thousands. In fact, every country with the highest "eating" rate like NZ, Israel, Ireland and Portugal, had rampant rates of infection regardless of people having had two, three or even four courses. It seems to have not made one blind bit of difference.

Was it necessary? When the Ruby Princess sailed into Sydney with one elderly person dead out of 4000 passengers and crew, it was clear what the worst-case scenario would be about 0.01 % fatality.  At the start when we didn’t know how severe it might be, we accepted that we should protect the elderly and sick. Now we know that almost 100% recover and whether we had our “dinner in the dark” or not, it only took a few days to recover, even for those of us over 60. The data was also clear that the younger you are, the less C19 affects you.

Was it free? The government had to bribe and manipulate people with BBQs and “big macs” to get some to eat for free, but the true cost to people’s health particularly young people’s cardiac health and fertility, has yet to be seen. Over 15000 scientists and doctors are now saying that the meals were not safe at all and that each course damages our natural immune system, making it less effective against flues and other diseases and may even be the cause of dormant diseases, re-activating in people bodies.[1] Part of the true cost is seen on the official U.S. registers of deaths , VAERS, which shows 30000 people died after eating and millions were injured.[2] Even the CDC, the FDA and the Government quietly admits it has caused myocarditis, pericarditis, and blood clotting! Now sadly, SADS is an everyday event terminating thousands of people lives, even athletes.

I admit it has been hard to know who to believe, but instinctively we all knew that TV One news, Google or the PM, cannot be the single source of truth.  A lot of Kiwis were using Duckduckgo, Odysee and Bitchute, to hear what some of the world’s top doctors were saying, like cardiologist Dr P. McCulloch, the brilliant Dr Richard Fleming,[3] Dr Malone and Dr Geert van den Bossche. These men are hard to find on Google and YouTube perhaps because they disagree with UN and “Fizzer”. Dr Robert Malone inventor of mRNA begs parents not to inject their children.[4] Dr Peter McCullough the most published cardiologist in history, says, “Under no circumstance should anyone younger than 30 take the shots.[5] It has been shown that the spike protein (produced by the millions in our bodies after “eating the food”), rather than being the answer, become toxins that damage our bodies. Geert Van den Bossche, who is one of the world's foremost vaccinologist and epidemiologists says, injecting people during pandemic is a mistake and that “Children’s immune systems must be allowed to be educated by exposure to the virus.”[6]

Most adults were free to choose as it should be with experimental drugs, but I am annoyed that some people were forced to eat against their will, when its long-term safety was not known. For the same reason, I don’t think anyone should risk their children. To me it is just common sense; if it didn’t stop adults getting C19, it won't help children. If it injures some adults, it will injure some children. There are zero benefits for children and there are unacceptable risks. I don’t know why this was not talked about openly in the nations press, to enable people to give a true informed consent. I can only guess it has been muzzled in some way.

I still drive past the “restaurants.” and it seems there is a new song playing “Killing me softly”, and the people still hum along.  However there seems to be fewer people going inside, probably because they have figured out that it is not working and also that they also risk food poisoning. Or maybe it’s because the elephant in the room and a few monkeys are taking up all the space.

Friends, many of you will agree with me but some may not and are thinking that I should stay in my “Bible” lane.  I feel a responsibility to say something and believe that “Loving my neighbour" is still my lane. If I can stir up some neighbours or parents to do their own thinking and reading beyond the “restaurants” own write-up, I’ll be happy.

Here is some Bible by the way; “The simple believes every word, But the prudent considers well his steps” Proverbs 14:15.

 [1] New Zealand Doctors speak out


[3] Here are hundreds of peer reviewed articles on Dr Flemings website.

[4] Dr Robert Malone inventor of mRNA begs parents not to inject their children.

[5] Dr Peter McCullough (The most published doctor in his field in the world.)"IT'S UNEQUIVOCAL, THE VACCINES ARE CAUSING LARGE NUMBERS OF DEATHS." - Dr Peter McCullough (

[6] Here Geert Van den Boss talks about the effects of the "restaurant". (Around 22min mark for children)