Posts in The Divine Purpose
Eating Out

A while ago in Auckland a restaurant opened where people could eat their food in a pitch-black room. I think it would probably be a bad experience, but it is a good analogy.  A couple of years ago, the people of New Zealand influenced by promises of life saving “food”, went to a “dark restaurant” somewhere near them, to receive something which no other generation in world history had ever had. As we settled in for the meal the strains of the song “Safe in your arms” played softy. We sat in cubicles so we couldn't tell what effect the “food” was having on anybody else. If someone did get ill, it could be blamed on global warming or stress, and covered over by the restaurant media team.  Eighteen months have now passed, and it seems that there has been little review of the restaurants advertising: Safe, effective, necessary, and free.   Here’s my reflections.

Was it safe?  To be honest, I have heard of numbers who were injured by the meal and when I asked others, they knew of other people who were harmed too. True stories from just my small circle of acquaintances: My neighbour had his first course and had to visit his GP because of heart pain, and thought he was going to die.  The pop song “Safe in your arms” was now a worm in his head, so he allowed himself to go for the second course, followed by another trip the doctor who admitted it was Myocarditis.  Another friend thought the dark restaurant was a good thing and even sung the song. He had a severe heart attack after each course.  He doesn't believe the song anymore and distrusts medical and political songwriters. My wife's hairdresser’s mother-in-law quickly developed blood clots throughout her body and died with three days. One man known to me, now has epilepsy which he only got after eating.  A relative of mine knows two women, whose spouses ate and had heart attacks. Another relative’s friend ate, and his leg swelled up and now has cellulitis. A lady in another church partook of the "safe delight" and was hospitalized with paralysis and a family member has a friend’s whose daughter went blind for few days straight after. There were others I could report. Thankfully most people got through without bad side effects, but it does not appear to be safe for all. One injured friend was more adamant. “No, the Government and the doctors, have lied to us all”

Was it effective?  Having the benefit of hindsight, it is safe to say that it was not effective either. It hasn’t stopped Kiwis from getting C19 in their hundreds of thousands. In fact, every country with the highest "eating" rate like NZ, Israel, Ireland and Portugal, had rampant rates of infection regardless of people having had two, three or even four courses. It seems to have not made one blind bit of difference.

Was it necessary? When the Ruby Princess sailed into Sydney with one elderly person dead out of 4000 passengers and crew, it was clear what the worst-case scenario would be about 0.01 % fatality.  At the start when we didn’t know how severe it might be, we accepted that we should protect the elderly and sick. Now we know that almost 100% recover and whether we had our “dinner in the dark” or not, it only took a few days to recover, even for those of us over 60. The data was also clear that the younger you are, the less C19 affects you.

Was it free? The government had to bribe and manipulate people with BBQs and “big macs” to get some to eat for free, but the true cost to people’s health particularly young people’s cardiac health and fertility, has yet to be seen. Over 15000 scientists and doctors are now saying that the meals were not safe at all and that each course damages our natural immune system, making it less effective against flues and other diseases and may even be the cause of dormant diseases, re-activating in people bodies.[1] Part of the true cost is seen on the official U.S. registers of deaths , VAERS, which shows 30000 people died after eating and millions were injured.[2] Even the CDC, the FDA and the Government quietly admits it has caused myocarditis, pericarditis, and blood clotting! Now sadly, SADS is an everyday event terminating thousands of people lives, even athletes.

I admit it has been hard to know who to believe, but instinctively we all knew that TV One news, Google or the PM, cannot be the single source of truth.  A lot of Kiwis were using Duckduckgo, Odysee and Bitchute, to hear what some of the world’s top doctors were saying, like cardiologist Dr P. McCulloch, the brilliant Dr Richard Fleming,[3] Dr Malone and Dr Geert van den Bossche. These men are hard to find on Google and YouTube perhaps because they disagree with UN and “Fizzer”. Dr Robert Malone inventor of mRNA begs parents not to inject their children.[4] Dr Peter McCullough the most published cardiologist in history, says, “Under no circumstance should anyone younger than 30 take the shots.[5] It has been shown that the spike protein (produced by the millions in our bodies after “eating the food”), rather than being the answer, become toxins that damage our bodies. Geert Van den Bossche, who is one of the world's foremost vaccinologist and epidemiologists says, injecting people during pandemic is a mistake and that “Children’s immune systems must be allowed to be educated by exposure to the virus.”[6]

Most adults were free to choose as it should be with experimental drugs, but I am annoyed that some people were forced to eat against their will, when its long-term safety was not known. For the same reason, I don’t think anyone should risk their children. To me it is just common sense; if it didn’t stop adults getting C19, it won't help children. If it injures some adults, it will injure some children. There are zero benefits for children and there are unacceptable risks. I don’t know why this was not talked about openly in the nations press, to enable people to give a true informed consent. I can only guess it has been muzzled in some way.

I still drive past the “restaurants.” and it seems there is a new song playing “Killing me softly”, and the people still hum along.  However there seems to be fewer people going inside, probably because they have figured out that it is not working and also that they also risk food poisoning. Or maybe it’s because the elephant in the room and a few monkeys are taking up all the space.

Friends, many of you will agree with me but some may not and are thinking that I should stay in my “Bible” lane.  I feel a responsibility to say something and believe that “Loving my neighbour" is still my lane. If I can stir up some neighbours or parents to do their own thinking and reading beyond the “restaurants” own write-up, I’ll be happy.

Here is some Bible by the way; “The simple believes every word, But the prudent considers well his steps” Proverbs 14:15.

 [1] New Zealand Doctors speak out


[3] Here are hundreds of peer reviewed articles on Dr Flemings website.

[4] Dr Robert Malone inventor of mRNA begs parents not to inject their children.

[5] Dr Peter McCullough (The most published doctor in his field in the world.)"IT'S UNEQUIVOCAL, THE VACCINES ARE CAUSING LARGE NUMBERS OF DEATHS." - Dr Peter McCullough (

[6] Here Geert Van den Boss talks about the effects of the "restaurant". (Around 22min mark for children)


It was a surprise to all. Nobody knew she had the jar with her. If anyone had noticed they would never have guessed what she was going to do.   Most never even noticed the girl until she broke the alabaster box.  But then everybody knew.  The whole house was filled with the fragrance, and everybody knew what had been inside the box, it could not be hidden. That is the power of the broken vessel! And we have all seen it happen.

Some people share and they are polished, clear and contained. We are impressed by their gift but we know little of their life. But others admit to being nervous, they tell a story of pain and share their struggles.  Somehow, their honesty opens everyone’s hearts. We won’t remember their giftedness but we’ll never forget the feeling of awe as the grace and fragrance of Jesus filled the room.  Actually, it happens every time someone steps out and take a risk for Christ.  Maybe an initial attempt at prophesying or a song. Perhaps it was going over to pray for a new neighbour, or stopping to help someone in trouble when you’re busy. It's breaking your vessel and releasing the fragrance.  And they notice!

Paul said it like this “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.    W e are ..  always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.   2Co 4:7 -10.   Paraphrased:  " The powerful life of Jesus within me will affect and bless lives if I choose to let my vessel be broken."

Friend, we can stay self-contained. You don't have to risk being broken and no one will ever know what or "who" is inside.  But it is only when our vessel is broken, that the fragrance of Christ is fully released.  Breaking the vessel simply means that by taking a risk, we no longer hinder or impair the expression of the Life that is within us. Go ahead and make their day.

Child Vaccines

Many years ago, two prostitutes came with a dispute before king Solomon. Both women lived in the same house and gave birth to a baby about the same time. One woman’s child died so she stole the other women’s baby in the night. When the true mother woke her baby was gone and a dead baby had been placed in her arms. She knew she had stolen from and lied to, so they both came to Israel’s wisest king to settle the dispute. After each woman had presented her case to the King of why the child was hers, the king said, “Cut the living child in two, and give half to one and half to the other!” The real mother spoke up to the king, for her motherly instincts were aroused. She said, “My master, give her the living child! Whatever you do, don’t kill him!” But the other woman said, “Neither one of us will have him! Let them cut him in two!” The king responded, “Give the first woman the living child; don’t kill him. She is the mother.” (1 Kings 3: 25-27)

Today there is a dispute over the ownership and the safety of the children of the world. Vaccines for our children, are being offered by some and opposed by others. Both sides say they are right and both sides say they want to keep young people safe. Both sides of the arguments are linked below.

As the UN and the CDC progressively lowers the age at which children are to be given the synthetic shot, (from 30 years old, then 16 years, then 5 years old, to now experimenting on new-borns), they tell us it is safe for all. However, on the other side there is a growing number the world’s top medical scientists who are not engaged by the UN or national governments and are warning of the consequences of taking the shot, for any person, but particularly young people. They cite a growing number of vaccinated 30-year-olds who have resulting heart inflammation, which can cause irreversible damage. They state that because the shot is experimental and long-term studies have not been completed, it should never be given to people younger than 30, due to the unknown long-term side effects on their neurology, fertility and their future children. Early in the rollout, WHO scientists assured the world that the spike will never get into the blood, but they were plainly wrong. It now seems that rather than staying at the injection site, the spike proteins travel to every part of the body including reproductive organs. The serious ramification of this is explained in one of the links below.

So, in this battle of opposing voices, for the young people and the children of the world, who do we believe and do children even need the shot? Statistics show that people below 30 years old and certainly children, are not at risk from the virus. They don't need a shot to be safe and they don’t need to be “vaccinated” for old peoples sakes either, as the shot doesn’t fully stop transmission.

In New Zealand we are ready give the shot to 12 to15-year-olds and eyeing the 11 year olds. In the tests, how many 12-year-olds have had time to grow up, be married and produce children, to see if there are any long-term effects? None. How amazing that Med safe has apparently become omniscient and omnipotent, guaranteeing the safety of all in their future!

As we decide who to believe, perhaps Solomon’s wisdom is instructive. He found out which woman wanted the child’s long-term welfare in spite of any personal cost, versus the one who sought to gain personally yet showed disregard for the child?

In our current global drama, it appears to me that the people showing the greatest concern for the children and paying the greatest price are the courageous scientists who have nothing to gain by opposing the WHO narrative but who are slandered and renounced by the servant media and fact checkers. The people who show less concern for the children but who will gain personally both financially and through medical control of the world’s population, are the global powers and the makers of the vaccine.

To be honest both sides sound convincing and both have their research qualifications to back it up. Only only time will prove which side is right but I think caution is wisdom while the jury is out on the long-term effects.

As a preacher I thought hard about this post because some may think I'm meddling in politics (like telling people to vote for a capitalist or socialist society) but this is not politics; this is Christianity 101. I think Jesus said, “Love your neighbour as yourself,” and while the unknown risks remains, part of loving a neighbour might be suggesting to neighbours to at least investigate both sides before you hand yourself or your children over to the medical authorities. Our government requires us to give informed consent, so we are responsible to research this thoroughly. (Consent presumably means accepting of any subsequent injury.) Because the scientific and chemistry jargon is difficult to understand; because long term tests have not been completed and because most of the opposing views are censored, it is technically impossible for people to be "fully informed" before agreeing to the shot.

Let us all ask for wisdom from above and may the Great King keep the welfare of the world's children in the hands of Him who cares the most.












Non Slip Soul

David watched the deer graze on the rocky hills above him.  It was amazing how they lived their whole life upon the rocks that soared above him.  They found food around the rocky outcrops and in the cool ravines they would rest and play. They seemed so confident on the rocks and it was a marvel to him how they never fell or stumbled, never lost their footing or their balance.  He thought to himself “He also makes my feet like the feet of deer.” (2Sam 22:34)  A deer’s foot has been incredibly made for its purpose.  It has sharp hooves which enable the deer to go up very steep cliffs and large pointed dew claws at the back of his feet, to help him come down without slipping and they do it with confidence.

God can make our feet like deer’s feet. As we live our life on the Rock we negotiate times and paths that are sometimes hard and very steep, but joy is our confidence. “Now to Him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy”.  (Jude 1:24) or you could say that it is our rejoicing in God that enables to keep us from falling. The prophet declared, “Though the fig tree may not blossom, Nor fruit be on the vines; Though the labour of the olive may fail, And the fields yield no food; …Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation. The LORD God is my strength; He will make my feet like deer’s feet, And He will make me walk on my high hills”.  (Hab 3:17 -19) He rejoiced in the face of seeming lack. Deer never think that because they never found grass today they won’t try looking tomorrow. They never think present lack will determine future supply. They get up every day expecting to find food. Habakkuk believed his future was not determined by his past but by his faith. He knew that his future would be changed more by singing prophecy than sympathy. He understood that rejoicing in God would attract the spirit of fruitfulness, more than complaining about the present.

Friend, sometimes our way is “steep and slippery” but He has equipped our feet for every rocky path he leads us. The Lord has made your feet like hinds feet so go ahead and rejoice anyway because steepness never kept a deer from coming into Gods provision and goodness. He is able to keep you from falling and to present you perfect before Him with joy and it is the rejoicing in faith that keeps us from falling off the Rock!