Posts in Discipleship process

At one point in their history, Israel had not yet possessed all the land God gave them. Saul was king, but the army was under-equipped.  While trying to possess their Promised Land, the Philistines removed all their weapons. The only blacksmiths were the Philistines, so the Israelites had to go down to the enemy to have their tools sharpened but not well. The Philistines couldn’t keep Israel completely out of their land, but they kept their weapons blunt.

If the devil can’t stop you from entering your promised land, he takes away your weapons and if he can’t do that, he will make sure they are blunt and ineffective. If our axe is dull, our ability to build the house and get to the root of matters in people’s lives; is limited.  And when our sickle is used in the harvest blunt, it only bruises the harvest.

There are battles to be won and in the field the fruit is ready and the harvest is ripe. Fortunately, God has His own “blacksmiths shop” where weapons and harvest tools are created in the fire of devotion or adversity.

Friend, that shop always has a fire that roars. Sometimes it may seem like a dark place where there is hardness and the forging of things with hammers. It may even look like hell. But mostly the fire we see through the darkness is the fire of His presence. As we run to that Fire and sit in His flame, He forges the harvest tools and the love we need. And even when the fire has done its work and our implements are forged into the shape of His heart, time spent close to the "Oiled Stone" will give our life and “sword” the finest edge.

The Future You

Moses was set afloat on the river by his mother, who was hoping that her son would escape the murderous plans of the Pharaoh. His mother believed he was special, and the devil seemed to know it, so he sought to destroy the deliverer before he could grow up. Of course, Moses lived and eventually those seeking to destroy Moses, were destroyed in the red sea. As the new nation of Israel marched out of Egypt, an enraged Pharaoh chased after them. Perhaps the devil was trying to kill Israel while they were young as a nation, before they could become great and strong. Gods’ plans for you are awesome as well. The devil wants to stop what God plans for you, before it unfolds fully. The devil maybe trying to stop you, but what he is seeking to stop even more, is the “future you.” He knows that Gods plan for you is to be better than who you are now. You will be more blessed, more intimate with God and more powerful. Satan will never stop you then so he will try to stop you now. He tried to kill Moses as a child because he knew who he was to become. He tried to kill the Jesus as a child because he knew he would become the Saviour of the world.

Friend If the devils attacking you and seeking to destroy your faith, your hope, your joy, and your strength now, it is because he knows God plans a great future for you. Don’t give up just because your family rubbished you, or because you slipped up into some sin this week. It may even seem that your dream of a happy family or of serving God has died, but we all know what God can do with dead things! Don’t give up but rise up, with gratitude and faith in God who forgives. He will give grace and resurrection power to us for He has already planned you to be a more powerful you, in your future.

Honor your self

David was small compared to Goliath but not to other men. The idea that David was some kind of small, puny guy is not true. David was a shepherd, he was a tough man, and he was a man’s man. He killed a lion and a bear with his bare hands!  Saul was a head & shoulders taller than anyone else in the land and Saul must have sized David up before he offered David his armor.  So it is likely that David was a big and strong man like his bother Eliab “So Saul clothed David with his armor, and he put a bronze helmet on his head; he also clothed him with a coat of mail. David fastened his sword to his armor and tried to walk, for he had not tested them. And David said to Saul, "I cannot walk with these, for I have not tested them." So David took them off ”  (1Sam 17:38-39)  David couldn’t use the Armor, not because it didn’t fit but because he hadn’t tested it.  Because he wasn’t used to it – it wasn’t his tools.  David was anointed to be king, but it wasn’t his time, his calling was still a shepherd. So he goes down to the stream picks us five smooth stones and puts them in his shepherd’s bag. When Goliath who was over nine feet tall, looks down at David, he doesn’t see a smaller man he sees a shepherd. David still has his staff, and his shepherd’s bag, containing the sling, and the five rocks.   He wasn’t trying to be a soldier; he had no proof of any other calling.  The Bible says, “and Goliath was enraged, and he said am: I a dog that you are coming at me with a stick (which is a staff)?” Goliath dishonoured David’s calling but God honoured it. David knew that God will prosper you in your calling.  One of the most destructive things we can do is always wish we were somebody else. To be the best Bob that Ted can be.

Friends, honour the strengths and callings of other people and live within your own.  Go through a process to find your talents and calling.  Work out what God has gifted you to be and live in the centre of that.  That is your sweet spot. Don’t live your whole life and never become who you are meant to be.