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Take the Stairs

Joseph sat on an imposing throne surrounded by the trappings of ancient royalty. The end of Joseph’s life looks easy. We would all like to be him; riding on golden chariots and banqueting for breakfast. He was on top of the world and people bowed low before him as he rode past. But the process God used to get him there, was not as easy. He was attacked, abused, and accused and his integrity was tested.

There are sure ways to enter the blessing of God and our destiny but there is no easy way. As it says on the wall of my gym “There is no elevator to success, you will have to take the stairs “

Sometimes we would like to be removed from the process which God is using to bring us into His promises. As someone once said, “There is no glory without a story”. There is also no degree without study. People learn nothing on graduation day apart from the fact that perseverance pays off. It is the journey that benefits us most, not arriving at the destination. It was not standing at the border of the Promised Land that prepared Israel for conquest, but their long journey there. Few people become “great” without going through great difficulties.

Every believer has troubles; they might be different from yours or they may even not appear to have them, but they do. We all live in a broken world. Living with Jesus in heaven will be easy, living for Jesus on earth is our challenge. David McCracken used to say, “God is more interested in our character than He is in our comfort”. So, He is the God of all comfort, but occasionally, He allows dis-comfort, to produce in us, something more valuable.

Friend, your journey may be difficult, it may even be a “mess” but as you travel onwards trusting, it is accomplishing more in you, than arriving at your desired destination, ever could.