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Behold Him Full of grace and truth

If we are like most people, we have images in our mind of our Dads, and based upon those images and thoughts about our natural father we approach our heavenly Father. Likewise we have images of Jesus in our hearts from reading the bible and based upon those images we come to Him in confidence. Of course sometimes that image can be distorted, so what is Jesus really like? Jesus is full of Grace and Truth meaning we should see the Lord Jesus as a friend. See Him smiling at you; that is what grace and mercy looks like. If a child of yours came to you in need of mercy, maybe they were in pain, you would meet them with a smile and tenderness and do what you could to help. In seeing our Father or Jesus, meeting us with a smile and tenderness, we can come to the throne of grace to find mercy. Regardless of how He appears in our mind, His physical form is irrelevant. As we spend time with Him, we can ask and wait for Him to lead us to a story in the gospels Where we can behold him full of grace and truth.  Look for Him there. Sometimes I just choose a place in the gospels and I look for him there. Maybe sitting on the well, maybe by the lake, maybe sitting in the temple, but I’m just waiting and looking and when it comes, I let the scene come alive. The Spirit may cause the story and Jesus to take on a life of its own. Once I was seeing him by the lake. He hugged me, smiled at me, waved to me and once He took me by the hand and led me forward, while walking backward, He was really excited about where He was leading me. Some days I don’t see or hear anything straight away but I’ve learned that He speaks in so many differing ways. So it is a mystery each day; there is nothing predictable, when it comes down own to trying to follow Him.

Friend, Jesus wants to meet with us; the Spirit wants to reveal Jesus to us as we seek Him. Follow any impression that comes to you; they may be very light; just to a fleeting image or thought. Follow it whether a verse or a picture. Begin a romance of seeking and pursuing.