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Don't even think about it

Achan looked quickly around and because he thought no one was looking, he took some of the wealth of the armies they had just conquered and hid it in his tent.  Jericho was first city to be taken, the first fruits of the land and God had said not to take anything of the first fruits. They were the devoted things that belonged to the Lord. Jos 6:18-19Of course God saw it and Israel’s army could march no further till this was dealt with. Achan brought trouble on himself, and the whole of Israel. The whole nation ground to a halt because of the sin of one person.   What we do affects’ everyone in the church.  Our secret life blesses or hinders the whole group we are a part of. Each local church is one body of many members that are joined together in the Spirit. Of course God can see in the dark better that we can see in the day light.In fact it’s always our secret life that determines our fruitfulness.  The fruit of a fruit tree is always determined by the root and the roots are always out of sight.  Similarly the secret sins, the secret attitude toward someone, the secret envy and jealousy, that flashes before God so brightly, is the accused thing, that hinders the whole groupFriend, to live life with others is a privilege and how we live affect them all.  Let’s  be a blessing to others.