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New Creation

The new creation is amazing! You are not like your neighbour, just a mere human being. You are not like the rest of the six million people on earth. But you are stranger, an alien; literally, you are a different species.  Your neighbour is totally unsuspecting that an alien lives next door.   You are not the same as you used to be.  Everything has changed; everything has shifted in your life. You no longer have no identity and no significance, you are a new creation! This new creation has never been seen before on the planet.  The angels before Pentecost had never seen one and the devil had never met one, but now there are human beings who have God living in them on the earth.  We are spirit beings therefore a different type of human being.  We are born twice and the second time we got born, we didn’t come from our natural father but from our heavenly spiritual father.  We are born from above God with the DNA of God and because He is a spirit, what we get from him is not a body but His Spirit. You have His characteristics now and it is His New Creation that he has blessed in every way. You are just incredible. God has created us a new and different type of being upon the earth.  He had made us righteous.  Righteousness is not slowing happening to us or a thing we grow into, we are instantly right with God.  He has made us free. This means our battle is not to get free but it is to stay free. The devil doesn't want you to know you are free or believe in your right standing before God.  He wants you to stay like the elephant who was chained for such a long time that when it was finally freed, it never thought it was. The moment you receive Jesus as your Saviour, He makes you free from sin and the bondage and power of the devil. We have been made completely acceptable to God in Christ and through the work of the cross He has also made us worthy. That means that whatever privileges and access to Father that you think great saints like David, Abraham, Mother Theresa and the apostles enjoyed - God has made you worthy of the same.He has made us sit with Christ in heavenly places, which means to have authority over our enemies. It also means the work was finished!

Friend, don’t approach God on the basis of what you have done but upon what He has done- he has made us ministers of the New Covenant. That is not referring to full time church workers but every believer in Christ. You are a new creation.  Go out and minister the life of Jesus into someone today