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Harvest of tares

The farmer had sowed his seed and as the wheat sprung up, tares sprung too up; just when he was expecting a good harvest. It seems sometimes, that in the midst of the best of life, we deal with the worst of life. (Matthew 13)  Because of the kingdom principle of sowing and reaping, we know there are some things we can cause to happen by sowing. We know when people are blessed often it is because they have sowed. It also means that people can't get what others have got and till they have done what the others did.  We know that to change what we are reaping in life we only have to change what we are sowing.However sometimes it seems that whenever a person is on the brink of fruitfulness and productiveness the enemy will sow tares in their field and life circumstances. Maybe you can see them in your field today? If you know it was not from your sowing, it is probably the work of the enemy.  No one receives a harvest without some conflict.Friend, you may be on the brink of a great harvest, so if there are some tares appearing, keep declaring Gods power and purpose in your problem and when the time is right, God will deal with the tares and even if it seems that He leaves it there till "harvest time" He will give you grace that will be more than sufficient.