Jesus is merciful

A couple of weeks ago we talked in our life group about poor people tithing. I asked them what they would do if we had a lady in the church getting 160 dollars a week benefit and she was playing 130 dollars a week rent and finding it hard to tithe and live off the rest. The next day I asked the Lord to help me in how I should think. As I got still before Him suddenly I saw a picture of me walking behind Jesus in the grain fields. It was a bright sunny day, the corn was a golden and dry dust was floating around in the suns of sun. Jesus is treading through the golden fields with all the disciples. I thought what has this got to do with tithing? Soon I began to read the scriptures and miraculously the Bible was opened at the exact story where Jesus was walking through the Grainfields. The disciples were hungry and so they were eating the grain as they walked. The Pharisees were not impressed and to defend his disciples Jesus gave them an interesting talk. He said you have heard what David did and the others with them when they were hungry how they went into the house of God and eat of the bread that was only for the priests. I.e. The human need of David and his men took priority over the religious law. Jesus goes on “I am Lord of the Sabbath. The Sabbath was made for man not man for the Sabbath.” My men are plucking grain on the Sabbath and while you think it is contrary to the law, they have a human need. Sometimes in life, we meet people who are genuinely poor without the resources to meet their basic human needs. The son of man never came to uphold a system of duty but to free the souls of men. Human need takes priority over religious law. Think of the Good Samaritan story. If your neighbour is in trouble on Sunday morning, then helping him is more important than going to church. God loves men more than He loves the Sabbath and He loves his people more than their tithes. I believe in the principle of tithes and offerings but let’s not become Pharisees who seem to think that God cares more for religious rituals or even principles, than He does for people. The Pharisees think that the poor person whose weekly income is 160 dollars and whose rent is 130 dollars a week should give their tithe of 16 dollars and try to live on 14 dollars a week! Because the Pharisee who earns $800 a week religiously gives his tithes his $80 leaving him $720 to live on! Tithing was made for man not man for tithing. Man’s hunger being satisfied is more important to God than tithing. David didn’t say to his men “Learn faith by staying hungry, learn to suffer for righteousness sake by going without food and water. Jesus never said to His disciples “harden up and learn faith by not eating on Sabbath and certainly not to eat that which is Holy and belonging to the priests.”

Friend, Jesus is more merciful and understanding than you think.

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If you ever see a business that closed down it will be because they couldn't make the changes necessary to succeed. If you see a family wounded and in pain, as mum tries to raise to three teenagers, we know someone couldn’t change. We see wives alone after an abusive relationship ends, with a man who could not change, but Jesus comes to change people's lives. He changes the lives of ordinary guys; labourers and tax collectors. No standout performers, no stars but they said yes to Jesus and he rewrote their story. They found out that only Jesus could change them. Your best future, your God planned future demands there are changes now. To have a better marriage, something has to change. You know something has to change. To have a better walk with Christ you know something needs to change to God to bring you to the next level of your ministry, something will need to change. To embrace change we have to be assured of our Fathers tender involvement in our life. To grow through change, we invite Him into our change knowing He's ordering our steps.

Friend, if we believe that our steps are ordered by the Lord our changes are never random and we can grow through change and not just go through change.

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Carry your Cross

Jesus shouldered the heavy cross and staggered along after the Roman soldiers. It wasn’t the first cross that Jesus had faced. As a minister, He had put others needs before His own, and made a thousand selfless choices before he finally took up the final and greatest cross for us. Embracing the Cross is really dying to a self so as to bring life and blessing to others. Jesus embraced the cross among the ancient olive trees as he was tested with the will of God which He ultimately held fast to. To be under Christ’s authority means to be a follower of Jesus. It means to accept the Cross daily and die to self. Jesus said that anybody that wanted to follow Him had to first deny himself and take up his cross. Our submission to God is not tested, till the cross is presented. Jesus was submitted to the will of God at all times but it was supremely tested in the garden. The cross tests or willingness to be a Christian and a follower of Christ. There can be no cross-less followers. No one following the lamb! We have this idea that disciples are one step up the ecosystem of believer or Christians. We need to destroy this notion. Christians and disciples are to be the same people.

Friend, if you are a Christian; you are a disciple and it is only possible to follow Jesus if we carry our cross.

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Souled out

Our spirit is to lead our soul and body. If your soul is ruling it will be telling you to do whatever your emotions feel like doing. Emotions and feelings are so fickle. One day you love your job the next day you hate your job. You love your husband then you don't like your husband.
You don't feel like praying today. You don’t feel like going to church. we can not live successfully by the soul and emotions and our moods. Few would go to work! God is not moody. God does not get an attitude. Attitudes are soulish. Attitudes are an adult pout. If we don’t get what we want. We think we deserve to be angry with that husband. we delight tot hold a grudge etc.

The soul will control you with fear and self-consciousness. You are too embarrassed to speak for Christ at work. You mean I need to go and apologize? I might feel embarrassed.

Answer an altar call? I might feel funny. Begin to dance about the front? ill feel self-conscious.
But we are designed not to do what we feel like doing, but to do what is right Obey God and your right decisions will produce the right feelings.

Friend, to follow God we need to allow the Holy Spirit to lead our spirit in God’s way and bring our soul and body into line with the leading of the Holy Spirit.

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The Person of Grace and Truth

The Law dealt with us as slaves - Grace and truth now deal with us as sons. Grace and truth is the new reality; it is the new way that God speaks and it is the new way that He deals with us. It is the new way that He empowers. Gal 4:4 But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. Gal 4:6 And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, "Abba, Father!" Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ. In Ephesians, everything begins and ends with Grace. This is the big idea of the New Testament. By grace, we are blessed with every blessing. By graces, we are chosen in Him. By grace, we are redeemed. By grace, we received wisdom and prudence. By grace, His inheritance is in the saints. Grace raises up and places us in heavenly places. We are saved by grace. Grace is the unmerited favour of God. And Grace is the unmerited ability of God. Grace is the unmerited revelation and word of God to us. Grace means the freely given favour and empowering life and voice of God. All three! If there is favour but no voice how does uncommunicated favour help us? If there is only favour but no power toward us, we would be blessed but helpless. We know He is the truth. There is no truth if there is no Grace and Christ is grace. The juxtaposition here in John 1, is not Law with Truth, it is the law with grace and truth. Truth does not equal law. The law is not a person. It is a portion of the revelation of truth, but not its fullness. The grace of God encompasses everything that is in Christ. He interprets it. He displays grace and shows forth the truth.

Friend, Grace is God giving His son Christ to live His life through us. Grace is Christ within us.

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Room to fail

Adam felt incredible shame and guilt as he heard the steps of the Creator in the garden. He hid in the trees but where can you hide from Love. If we learn anything from the theology of Genesis 3, it is that imperfection and failure run in the family. Even the perfect specimens are tainted with it; those prim and proper people who never seem to blow up perhaps struggle with pride and judgmental pettiness. The fact is we all fail. If we don’t give ourselves and others room to fail, we will breed dishonestly in people. People will be afraid to admit their mistakes, choosing to live in unreality. Brothers or sisters that are struggling with certain fears and temptations will be afraid to reach out for help. God’s people may sink in a sea of failure and temptation, not able to ask for help, thinking that weakness or failure is unforgivable. It’s great to have a triumphalist theology, where we talk of a constant walk in the glory and power of God, but where does that leave people in the times when they struggle and need help. When we fail, we must know that God is still able to use even that! Before Adam failed he felt perfect without any sense of sin and no need for forgiveness. He also felt no gratitude for God’s mercy and no sense of love. God allowed men to sin that man might discover all of God.

Friend, if we fail or stumble in sin, God still has a plan in mind. For us to see our own inability and our need to abide in His love. He wants us to experience His forgiveness, and then see His loving character and to love Him even more in return.

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First things first

As Jesus walked slowly through the town “A leper came and worshipped him saying if you are willing you can make me clean.” To encounter Jesus in worship you have to come to Him. He came to worship; he came focused and determined. It was premeditated; I will worship. He didn’t say now that the music is slow and they are playing the songs I like. He worshipped him saying. “You can make me clean.”

When we worship we are always saying something out of our heart. The heart and the mouth speaks. Sometimes we think that worship is not a vocal but is quiet. Of course, praise is never quiet; praise is always expressive, whereas worship could be quiet; but still, every worshipper is saying something. The leper worshipped Jesus by saying make me clean- not make the famous, rich or even employed but make me clean. To encounter Jesus in worship our first need is not understand me or even please forgive me but please cleanse me. That’s repentance! We can ask for forgiveness and never want to give up our sin and be clean. But the voice from the heart of a worshipper says wash me clean.

Then Jesus put out His hand and touched him, saying, "I am willing; be cleansed." Immediately his leprosy was cleansed. Mat 8:3
Friends, If purity is the desire of our hearts it is likely that we will encounter Jesus consistently. And we never have to question whether Jesus is willing to make us clean. If we cry out to be clean - He will touch us immediately.

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The Discipleship Processjim
King Soul

The book of Romans describes the reign of two kings who seek to rule in our lives. There is a king of sin and death and the King righteousness and Life
As believers, King sin used to reign in our dead and mortal body but now King righteousness reigns in His domain which is our spirit and our mortal body now quickened by His spirit.
We are a spirit who possesses a mind (soul) and who lives in a body.
You’re a spirit being. We are made in God’s image. With our spirit, we contact the spirit world. With the mind, we contact the world of thoughts and with the body, we make contact with the physical world. The world only seeks to develop the soul and mind and body. So university professors can’t stay married. They can become educated idiots. Bodybuilders with perfect bodies, can’t cope with life and may jump off bridges.

Mankind can’t be normal until they live by the Spirit. The Spirit is to give the orders and tell us how to live. The mind/soul is the servant and needs the education to know what to do and how to act. And the body is a slave needing to be told what to do. Its voice needs to be judged for its legitimacy.

Friend, before we were believer there was no King righteousness reigning, only king sin reigning in our life. The King of righteousness and Jesus now lives in our spirit, soul and our body. Let’s walk in the spirit and allow the King of Righteousness to rule in every part of our life.

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The Discipleship Processjim
Success out of Failure

I used to work at the city council where there was a man in our section, who often used to say “success has many fathers but failure is an orphan.” Everyone wants to claim they played a part in something that was successful but when something is a disaster or fails, nobody wants to own it. We might talk about failure in hushed tones but everybody does it. Teacher and students, cops and crooks, parents and children all fail. Doctors fail and they bury their mistakes! Nobody likes to fail but everybody does sometimes. In Gen 3.10 we find that failure is part of the human race. Moses failed in understanding when he sought to save the Israelites. He rose up in anger, killed an Egyptian and hid him in the sand. Samson failed morally and David failed the temptation test. Peter denied that he knew Jesus, and wept bitterly later as he thought about his lack of courage and loyalty. Probably like me, you have come to church some weeks with a small or large library of failures from the past week, and some even added that morning.

Friend, failure has been a part of the human experience for a long time but stop and think; did their failure stop them being used by God and becoming an eventual success? No they all finally did the will of God. Some of them not in spite of their failure but because of their failure, as it made them more aware of their need for God.

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Credibility among those we serve is important. Credibility takes time to gain but can be lost in a moment. Credibility is gained when we are consistent in character.

If we find ourselves secretly wishing we could be recognized more, like Judas who as part of the team was more mindful of his area of service than the good of the whole team our credibility is in danger

If we won’t allow another person to hold a different point of view from ours, we’re not giving them the same dignity we demand ourselves. Or if we are envious when they are “promoted” in the fellowship, perhaps it’s time to humble ourselves before God again and remember that He will promote us in due time.

Perhaps our insecurity is crying out. The insecure get security from what they do, not who they are. These people need a greater revelation of the Father so they can grow in security. Most believers are not villains: in the body of Christ, there are no heroes and no villains.

When we recognize a lack of godly attitude or lack of character we need to go back to Jesus and ask Him to live through us again.
Friend, conflicts are opportunities to develop or destroy your credibility as a leader or as a believer. Remember ministry is based on credibility. If we have little credibility with people we will have a little ministry to people. As credibility grows our true authority grows.

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The Discipleship Processjim
To do you good

The forty days passed slowly in the desert, but each day Jesus prayed and prepared for the enemies attack. After Jesus had been tested in the wilderness, He came out in the power of the spirit. He was the true Israel and unlike natural Israel, He chose to live by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God. Increased power and blessing followed His passing the test in the wilderness. After Paul had learned to humble himself before God in the desert for many years, he came out with the greatest revelations of God any man had ever had. He learned to collect “Manna” he’d never seen before; things about God he could have never imagined, things about grace, things about the gentiles he never has seen before, till he could say “Everything I thought I knew before, is just dung.”

He was humbled and tested to see whether he would “collect” and obey Gods new manna and was given the honor of penning revelations that brought light to the whole world.

God’s blessing still follows obedience. It is the test that makes you a testimony. God’s supernatural life is on the other side of your wilderness test. He just wants to do you good. That’s what a father wants; for His children to be blessed in the end.

Friend, we can't change our test but we can change our perspective. We can't change having to go through the wilderness but we can change how we look at it. Our perspective should be that God only tests us to do us good in the end, and our best days are just beyond the word we obey. Our breakthrough and blessing are just after the next test we pass.

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Raising children

The rugby coach asked the team to run another five lengths of the field. He knows that although training is not popular, it is only the hard yards that will prepare them for the rigors of the games to come. He is training them for the challenges of the future. It always takes discipline to maximize our potential. No one loved us like our own father, so we know when they disciplined us it was because they loved us. The discipline of children is not done to them but it is done for them. Discipline helps children grow in obedience and respect. Without obedience and respect in society, there is no civil order only anarchy. That is the reason why God tells fathers, to train the next generation to obey, honour and respect authority. Child discipline builds a sense of justice; it also removes guilt, develops their sense of right and wrong and gives boundaries and security.

Deuteronomy says that God disciplines his children, for the same reason. The discipline of the wilderness was to prepare them to enter the land. It doesn't matter how much we turn up the volume at church or how high we jump in the worship, if we aren't people that fear God or have not been trained to live at our potential, we may not enjoy the fullness of what God intends.

Friend, Father God may discipline us, but it will enable us to enter the inheritance and the better future He plans for us.

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God works

Paul writes to the believers at Philippi “I’m in prison but God is at work. I’m not preaching around the nations, but God is at work and so I’m confident that God is at work in your life too, no matter how difficult your life seems”.

If we think God is not at work in our lives to will and to do of his good pleasure during the hard patches of life, we end up thinking that others are in charge of our life and not God. We will murmur in unbelief thinking that other people, not God are determining our circumstances and happiness.

We actually become idolaters because we reduce God down to the size of a small Sunday god, a quite time god or a good time only god. He may not have caused the hardship but He certainly can use while you are coming out of it.
Friend, the apostle understood God is always at work, so he says to his friends in lesser trouble, rejoice in the Lord always. The Lord is at work.

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The Discipleship Processjim
The wilderness

The wilderness stretched out in front of the people of Israel for miles, as they walked through the desert on their way from Egypt to the Promised Land. It was harsh, empty and cold at night, and it was hot during the day, but there was no alternative. In the wilderness, they were to learn to observe the word of God, and not to observe everything else around them. It was a place that tested their hearts to see whether they would obey God's Word. In the wilderness, God gave them manna they didn’t know so they would come to understand they could not live on the bread they already knew. To see that the things of this world, that they knew, were not what gave them life. The Manna was a type of Jesus Christ. It was free, pure, from heaven and tasted good, but it had to be gathered daily and eaten daily to be enjoyed. As they picked up Manna every day, they learned to obey and they learned to trust God. They learned to do things Gods way and they learned to do the difficult. When they came out of Egypt as slaves, they thought of themselves as poor, man dependent, and bound by natural limitations but as they learned to walk in God's ways they learned that they were wealthy enough, to have a day off every week, that dependence upon God meant the impossible could happen and that God can remove human limitations.

Friend, like the Israelites we have to learn that Gods ways are different. We need to learn that he is for us and leading us into a life of unrestricted, heaven-sent, limitless possibilities.

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Failing to love

Jonah hit the beach thankful that God had spared him and was keen to complete his preaching mission in Nineveh. As he preached repentance he could hardly believe the success of his crusade. The whole city from the king down to donkeys clothed themselves in sackcloth. Jonah’s message had melted the coldest heart; what a crusade. But was God content or was Jonah a success/

Jonah did the right thing, but he was not yet the right person. So God comes to him again in Chapter 4.2 because God wanted him to learn to love. As he sits down in the glow of his success, God prepares a vine to grow over his head to give shade which Job enjoyed greatly. Then God prepared a worm to kill the vine and the shade, and Jonah wanted to die. God brings the whole lesson to close. Until you learn to love like me, you have not yet succeeded. To be a true prophet; to speak for me, to represent me, you need to represent my love.

Jonah’s failure was not really rebellion but actually a lack of love; he could not love as God did. Most failure is just a lack of love.

Failure helps us to see that we need to abide in His love, in order to love others. In the parable of the two debtors the man who failed to forgive failed to love! True success is not just persevering or never quitting. We may be inspired by the story of Disney who went broke seven times before he had success or Edison who did 10,000 experiments to perfect the light bulb before he had success, but real success is not about accomplishing something so much is becoming someone.

Friend, success is not the ultimate triumph but ultimate love it’s not what we have done, but who we become.

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The Discipleship Processjim
Living it

Moses stood before the nation to repeat the promises of God, to the new generation that would fight their way in the land. They would be the generation that got a breakthrough, into the promises of God. Moses was convinced they could do it. I know you will breakthrough. I know you will take the land from the enemy but if you don't obey the word of God once you are in the land and live God's way, you may not be able to maintain possession of the land. A “breakthrough generation” has to be more than louder music and stronger shouts of praise. There needs to be a strong character, a strong home life, a strong marriage, a strong work ethic and a strong personal life. The breakthrough generation will be people of faith and passion but they will also live with a commitment to the principles of God's Word in their family and their finances. If they don't know how to live right every day, they may enjoy days of victory but not be able to maintain their victory. It is just as important that our marriage is a testimony as our miracles are. For our family to be as much a testimony as our faith and our finances should be as sound as our fervour for God.

Friend, the way we do live in the community is more testimony than the way we do communion. Moses said the nations were going to take note because they were a wise and understanding people, not just a noisy excited people.

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Beauty of faliure

I had a prophecy over me once, that there would be times when I would feel an absolute failure, but this would be Gods guard upon my spirit to keep me from pride. I didn’t know whether to feel good or bad about that prophecy! Failure often destroys self-confidence. We are not self-made men and we are not self sufficient. Nothing helps us to see our self more accurately, than failure.

The prodigal son saw himself in a much more accurate light, after he failed. The oldest son seemingly without failure, ends up graceless, loveless and bitter. How often has the failure of someone, worked a work of grace in a person’s life to such a degree, that their usefulness to man and God is taken to levels which could never have been possible before their fall. The real benefit of failure, is the ‘recognizing the weakness of self. Pride and self-confidence can be dealt with by God and failure often opens a person up to the possibility of help from others. Failure worked for good in Peter’s life, to rid him of his self-confidence and to thrust him upon the Lord. Failure is something God can use to bring about a greater quality of union with Christ and gives us a better perspective about the weakness of the human vessel.

In all it seems often that the humility and character of Christ is more able to be forged on the anvil of human failure, than it is by a perfect record of performance. Jonah had great revival after his failure. Peter became a nation shaker and even Samson saw things very differently after his failure and delivered the nation.
Friend, failure is not a person, it is an event! It can even be an important event, that opens us up to more of God’s love and power than ever before.

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The Discipleship Processjim

Your words bring you into Gods future plans and destiny for you. The words you speak today can bring Gods “planned tomorrow” toward you. If we speak words of unbelief, we can frustrate and even deny the good plans of God for our life. How much of what God planned to bring into our lives, has been bound up in the heavens by the words we have said or not said. When Jesus said to Peter “I give you the keys of the kingdom and whatever you bind on earth, will be bound in heaven,” He was talking about binding and loosing with words. Words of preaching, forgiving, casting out demons and prayer. All words by which we bind or lose the things in heaven onto the earth and into our situations. Only what you loose in heaven, comes to us and we lose it by our words.

Friend, our words need to agree with God promises.

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Love is all you need

Moses climbed the rugged mountain to meet with God. On the mountain, he received the 10 Commandments and other laws as they are recorded in the Pentateuch. The high watermark of the law was the simple command to love God with all our might and our neighbour as ourselves. This is still the essence of Gods law and illustrates the goal of our spiritual growth as the people of God. In fact, the first five books of the Bible or the Pentateuch, from Genesis to Deuteronomy, are an illustration of the processes of growth, that God takes us when we follow Him. Genesis is the beginning and explains how God called men from Noah to Abraham. It is about Election; God calling His people, the first privilege we experience, being called by the father to Jesus. Exodus illustrates deliverance and coming out of Egypt. God’s people are brought out of the old into a new beginning. It illustrates how we are redeemed by the blood of the Passover lamb. Leviticus informs the redeemed slaves, how to live with a holy God, as they approached His sanctuary: Sanctification is about we gain a new way of thinking about God, along with a changed lifestyle. Numbers deals with how God trained his people from a mob or rabble into the army of God through discipline and learning to follow the cloud of His presence. Finally, Deuteronomy repeats to the second generation all the requirements they were to obey after the old generation had died off. Their obedience would bring the blessing and victory as they entered into their inheritance. These truths formed the basis for the teaching of the early church doctrine about how we are called, regeneration, justified and sanctified to be made ready to enter fully in our inheritance, who is Christ.

Friend, to come to the full stature of Jesus Christ means to be a wholehearted disciple but mostly means to be fully loving of people and God; even in that order. John said we can’t say we love God till we love your brother and sister. 1 John 4.21

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Joseph walked to where his brothers were keeping the family sheep, sure that they would be glad to see him. Little did he know that they were very jealous of him and planned to kill him? Eventually, through the actions of the first-born brother Rueben he was not killed but only sold to traders on their way to Egypt. The only beloved son of Israel becomes the one sold to Egypt by his brethren freedom but also becomes the incredible picture of Glorification or what God finally plans for His children. We are trained in this world but are destined for the throne of heaven. It seems incredible; about as incredible as a prisoner becoming a governor in one day. In one day we shall be made immortal and raised up to sit with Christ upon the royal throne of heaven. Right now we don’t look that different from everyone else. The world cannot see that you are a king or prince and son of God and who really a cares. Joseph looked like a prisoner to everyone else; just the same but God had a Day coming.

Friend, like Rueben our firstborn brother of the new creation stepped up to keep us from death that eventually we may reign. Today all creation is waiting for the manifestation of the Sons of God, when they rise from the prison of the earth, to rule with the King in the kingdom.

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Divine purposeJIM Shaw