Broken hearted

“What becomes of the broken hearted?” Well, we know what become of some of them. They become abusive, and or workaholics. Others are afraid to speak in front of people, become angry men and depressed women. But why are our hearts broken? Start with the assumption that this world is broken and that means that everything in it is damaged.

Everything needs fixing. Every relationship, people’s emotional health, the weather, the earth, (earthquakes and storms) and the economy. Life is broken; even the things that are most precious to us, our marriage partners, are broken people too. Families are broken. Even love has been damaged. When sin entered the heart of man, it fractured the vessel, breaking it forever in this life.

This a fallen world where sin, Satan, corruption and negative forces conspire to make like hard and unfair. Bad things happen to good people and good things to happen to bad people. And even the good people aren’t all good; they are broken too.
The effects are easy to spot. Masses of people tired of life, living a jaded existence, trying to prop up their meaning-less life with meaningless activities. Tired of trying to get along with people, with themselves, with their past and with their secret shame.

Friend, our brokenness goes back to the choice the first Adam made in the garden and our hope of changing and entering a new life, goes back to the choices the last Adam made in the garden as he was about to reconcile us back to Father through the cross. Now recovery from broken heartedness, is receiving a new spirit through faith in Christ and learning to live consistent with who we are in Christ.

Growing Up

The old farmer walked home as the sun slowly set behind him. He was happy the seeds had been sown and with rain about there was nothing more to do but wait.  God too wants us to grow from babies into fully mature sons of God but he knows that we can’t make ourselves grow up.  If a parent said to his child to increase in height it would be impossible. Jesus said “consider the lilies of the field. They don’t toil or spin yet they are beautiful” He also said. “Which of you can by worry can add an inch to your height?’ In other words, you cannot make yourself grow up.  God only can make you grow because a seed, flower or lily of the felid does nothing except receive to grow.  It just stays connected to the ground or to the vine. Similarly, the little baby does not try to grow; it just grows the DNA says grow. And as long as it receives, it will grow.

Friend, Receive the Word and the grace of God and the water of the Spirit and you will grow.

Step forward

Jesus said to the man with a withered hand “Arise.”  He never said “Arise and I will heal you,” or “Arise and good things will happen to, but “Arise and step into the midst”. The man had to act before he received his healing from Jesus.  He might have thought “I don’t know whether I want to do that; I don’t want to be embarrassed and I’m not even sure that anything might happen. But he first had to repent; to obey the word in spite of his desires and lack of promise from Jesus. Sure, the words of Jesus quickened his faith to believe and act but repentance is where everything starts.  He had to align his thoughts with Jesus thoughts and his miracle started.  His life changed forever. I believe God wants us to align our thinking with the thoughts of God. To align our thinking about, honoring parents; about moral purity and wanting revival in our lives and churches but it must begin with repentance.  If we confess our sin and forsake it, we will prosper!   Forsaking our sin simply means we stop doing it. In other words we prosper because we repented.

Friend, God will prosper everyone who truly repents and heaven explodes in joy.  There are blessings sometimes kept back in heaven that God wants you to have, but they are held back from us because you or I have not repented in a biblical way.

The Fruit of Repentance

The degree of our repentance will determine the degree of Supernatural life that God can invade your life with.  Paul tells us what true repentance looks like. (2 Corinthians 7:9-10) When you have godly sorrow it will work in you: Carefulness; where we take up your sins one by one and ask the Holy Spirit to show you what you have done to hurt your own life, the life of others and most of all, the Living God. If need be, make a list. Repentance means that we will want to clear ourselves; where we ask God to help us be absolutely honest and real. Let nothing remain hidden in heart and remove it from yourself thoroughly. It means indignation, where we allow the Holy Spirit to help us to first see and convict us of sin, then to hate and forsake our sin. Second Corinthians goes on; Fear, as if the list of your behavior will be read out by God on judgment day and  Zeal, were you have an intensely strong passion to make things right. Finally to repent mean, Revenge, where we take some kind of destructive action towards a representation of your wrong. Break or burn it or make restitution.

Friend, repentance is Christ’s key word to all people in the Gospels and even to the Church.  Revelation 2:5 “Remember therefore from whence you are fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come to you quickly, and will remove your candlestick out of his place, except you repent.”

The Word of God

The Word of God is our final and only and completely sufficient guidebook of how man is to live, but it is more than a guide book, it is the means by which Gods Spirit changes us. The Bible says it contains everything required to make a man of God thoroughly furnished for every good work. In the garden Adam walked with God in the evening. He was one heart and one thought with God. But the serpent came and said Has God really said, you shall not die?”  Satan’s tactic in the world today and has been for history, is to get us to doubt that God has given sufficient guidance and that we need to make some decisions about our life for yourself.  You can decide what is right for you.  The original sin was the desire to decide for ourselves what is right and wrong, instead of just obeying God.   The devil said “You should have the right to decide what is right; surely you are an intelligent person; the Bible is too restrictive and too ancient to be relevant today, but for true believers the Word of God is unchanging and non negotiable. It was given to be the foundation of all our theology and thinking; it is therefore Satan greatest target of attack.

Friends, the Word of God is not subject to the shifts of time or the puny critique of man’s reason.  It is not subject to trends, cultures or customs; it is the Word of God.


Jesus came to be our King first of all, then our Savior.  The title on the cross was not Savior but King. He is the King who saves His people.  True repentance is a condition for salvation. Repentance is the first essential condition of genuine conversion.  Repentance is not an optional extra but a fundamental requirement of forgiveness. Repentance is also a lifestyle.  We are to be living in an attitude of repentance ever since we were converted.  Everyday repentance, is the attitude by which we can receive the King of the kingdom in to our lives . Peter said to them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.  In a world without moral absolutes repentance is core to seeing true change. Repentance (metanoia) To repent means to change your mind. Literally it means “above or beyond the mind.” We thought dumb things about God, heaven, hell and our own place in the world; our picture of Him was too small, too silly or plain wrong. We  lived a life that was stupid, selfish and false. Now under the flame of God’s holy truth by His Spirit and His Word, we see everything in a different light and the word that comes to our heart with force is this: change your mind. We change what we think about Jesus Christ.  He is not a historic figure or a great teacher; He is the ruler of History and God manifest in the flesh. He is Creator of heaven and earth and all things were made by him. Because He is Lord of all and the only Saviour, He commands our allegiance.

Friend, as King He has the right to rule in every life.  He is King; we can submit or rebel but he is still King.

The Way of the Lord

John the Baptist cried out to the passing crowds and many were baptized in readiness to receive the Messiah. Mark1. 2. His message was repentance, because only repentance prepares the way for the Lord’s coming into our lives.  Only repentance prepares us for his rule and kingdom. Matthew 4.17.  Obstacles of sin, rebellion, uncleanness, pride, and dead tradition are removed and we make ready a way for the Spirit’s outpouring. The kingdom and repentance are inextricably tied together.  God desires His will to be done in and through people. In fact the kingdom means: God’s rule, where Gods will in done.  Whenever a person knows the thoughts of the King and does them the kingdom is expressed. The kingdom is righteousness, its peace, its joy, is power its love, its victory over enemies, its provision for our needs, its healing for our troubled soul. Its restoration, is the heartbeat of God manifested in your life; that is why the kingdom is good news; the gospel of the kingdom. The good news is that God has purposed to bring His kingdom to earth. He said “For as truly as I live, all the earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord.” Our challenge is to know His thoughts and then to obey them. God said in the Old Testament “My thoughts are not your thoughts and my ways are not your ways” but now the Holy Spirit is come to teach us His thoughts.

Friend, living in a state of repentance, soft toward Gods voice is the first step to begin to tune to His thoughts.

Good foundation

For a few years after I began in ministry, I struggled with doubt about my ability as a preacher.  Anneke and I went to Australia for a holiday and there God spoke to me from this verse in Philippians. “With all boldness I will be magnified in my body”.   I realized the opposite is true; that without boldness Christ will not be magnified in my body.  Too many time our effectiveness sabotaged buy wrong thinking about ourselves.  Before God begins to build in to our life He requires that we have a good foundation in our life. We can conform to the expected behavior on the outside, but have major struggles on the inside of us and people may never be aware of it.  The anointing comes to preach to the poor and to heal the broken hearted and till our hearts are healed we cannot be whole hearted. While people are still captive they are not free to be all that God want them to be and blinded by lies or the demonic they won’t be aware of who God has made them.  Many times that which God is able to do now, is limited by the degree we have opened our heart to His touch.  The past naturally affects our future. The book of Hebrews 6, states that we can only go on to maturity once the foundation has been laid.  That foundation is clearly laid out as repentance from dead works and faith towards God, then baptisms in water and in the Holy Spirit.

Friend, all of these are foundational to our growth. If you have not been baptized in the Holy Spirit with speaking in tongues you don’t yet have the supernatural equipment you need to face our supernatural enemies.

Coming Home

The prodigal son took all the good things of life; his health, his life, his energy, his privilege, his freedom and his knowledge and spent them on pleasure, possessions, popularity and fame in an effort to find satisfaction. When you don't know your Father well or you don’t know who you truly are, you’ll abuse the Fathers love. The young man was stupid but not stubborn and eventually decided to return to the blessing of his father. So he left the far off country and made the long journey home to get things right with God and man.

In the far country there seems to be the freedom to enjoy harlots, parties, drugs and waste money but it is not home.  There is still want, there's still need and it ends badly; living a life like a pig, and eating food not fit for human consumption. When you’re hungry you’ll feed on husks but when you’re starving you’ll return home to your father. 2 Corinthians 5.21 says that when a man is in Christ, he finds all that he needs and becomes everything he can never become himself. The person that puts his faith in Christ as their Saviour becomes fully satisfied.

Friend, you can try your best to satisfy your hungry self, but you will realize satisfaction cannot be bought with money but can be found by returning home.