The best part

Jesus was visiting at His friends place in Bethany and while Martha was busy in the kitchen, Mary sat at the feet of Jesus. When Martha later complained to Jesus that Mary was not helping much, Jesus said that Mary had chosen the best part. There are many things we do in an average day. Tasks to complete and people and family to relate to, but they will never be the best part of the day and they may not ever become the best they could be, till you have done the best part which is worship. That part is essential and without the essential worship, you lose perspective, put value on the wrong things and your life becomes distorted and out of balance. Martha was a servant hearted person and that is a good thing, but without proper perspective (God is here) she develops a complaining Spirit and even rebukes the Lord demanding He act for her. Her problem was that she was “too useful”! Martha felt that she was a useful, practical, down to earth person, in fact too useful to be just sitting at the feet of Jesus. Friend, being useless is not a virtue in the world or even in the kingdom of God but it is imperative in the presence of Jesus. Your importance and what you can do, is zero compared with the importance of Jesus.

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The Well

One day while I was in prayer, I saw a picture of the Lord sitting on the well. When I got closer to it, I noticed it was dry, filled with rubble and rubbish. That was not part of the familiar picture so when I asked Him I felt He said “The only time people throw rubbish into a well is when it’s empty. When they come to a well expecting to find water and find that it never delivered, what it promised. No one rubbishes the church when it full of Living Water. People don’t come to find rules they don’t turn up hoping to get ten things to do before God will meet them; they come to find life giving, pure rivers of love, flowing into their heart. Every local church is a well of living water, where any sinner or Samaritan can come in their shame and rejection and meet the Lord. He sits enthroned on the well. The well was the throne of grace, were she came find mercy and help in her time of need. We are to be a place where they can come thirsty and go away satisfied by Living Water.

Friend, all over the world I hear the sound of the wells filling up. Are you ready for thirsty visitors?

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Divine purposeJIM Shaw